  • Guangzhou
  • Hangzhou
blue blue blue
Wu Xuepin

Wu Xuepin

Introduction of work

In thisproject a lot of inspiration comes from life, I think travel and see some of the scenery and understand different cultures are all very good experience, the project is came from when I go to yunnan to learn some of the ethnic culture development, bai ethnic minorities in yunnan. The local ethnic minorities and I live together for a few days, studied the ancient tie-dye, tie-dye they are using the most primitive simplicity method, although the process is complicated, and the dye is difficult to save, but plants-dying can do no pollution to a great extent, my installation art works of local artists to do the research, he used a lot of pressure plait to do work, I think both from the visual impact and work process are very good, So I also use a lot of pleating when I do fabrics and ready-to-wear.

Project Name
blue blue blue

Final work

Details close-up

Process of creation


the works
blue blue blue