在「归途」这个项目里,我围绕着文化差异性,展开了我的探索。在做完头脑风暴和深入的调研之后,我决定要创作一个围绕着文物非法外流及他们坎坷的归程展开的故事。我选择这个话题的动机是应为了解到了一个名叫皿方罍的分体古老青铜器。自从出土以来该文物的其中一部分曾多次被非法的售卖,并流转于多国百年之久后最终回到中国,得以合璧。这段史料中间的留白给了我许多的遐想空间,激发我去设计了一头共生兽, 它们是MinQi和HuQi。在它们的生活的土地被殖民者侵略后,它们也被入侵者盯上。逃亡的过程中MinQi和HuQi被迫分开了,它们在各自流浪了一个多世纪以后才重新团聚。
In this project, i began my exploration with culture diversity. After doing brainstorming and doing deeper research, i decided to create a story about the illegal outflow of culture relics and their arduous homeward journey.The reason of why i chosen this topic started with an old bronze vessel which named MinFangLei. It used to be stolen and sold by dealers illegally for several times and its story of wandering around the world for many years is very dramatic but the specific information is missing, which aroused my curiosity. And in order to satisfy my thirst for knowledge i began to do a deeper development and created story from it.
Synopsis : The great navigator found an isolated ancient country with rich resources, long culture and immortal creatures, which is a great discovery. Various countries scrambled to invade this ancient country and ruthlessly plundered the resources on this land. The rich and those in power focused on the immortal power of these rare animals, so they wanted to capture these creatures for research to get the immortal power. After careful planning, they planned to capture a pair of symbiotic animals. In the process of escape, MinQi and HuQi were forced to separate. They finally reunited after being separated for more than a century.