  • Guangzhou
  • Hangzhou
Italian department

The courses ver performance cognition is emphasized during this training, and design students with an internationin the Italian department are divided into fine art and design direction:

Fine art encompasses a broader study of art, ranging from an appreciation of the classical aesthetics and spirit of Italian art history to the idea of contemporary Western art history. Students are required to make a deep study of painting techniques and integrated materials, while developing a comprehensive understanding of the art aesthetics. Students will have a comprehensive understanding of art history as well as Italian art and culture, which they will be able to apply to their work and gradually find their own artistic vision.

The design direction starts from traditional Italian design and fashion language,by developing the aesthetic qualities of design history and the universal laws of design philosophy, setting the course with the goal of problem solving and using historical theory as a clue to guide students to study different design languages. The importance of theoretical cognition oal perspective and design background are nurtured.